We have carrots! Okay...I have to be honest. I had given up on these little guys. I wasn't seeing any real progress the last couple of weeks. Now, I read articles and watched videos on growing carrots and every one of them stressed the need to "thin out" the carrots. I get the idea and understand the importance on removing weaker plants to give room for the stronger plants to grow. I guess I became emotionally attached to each seed as I planted it and can't bear the thought of it not realizing it's potential to be a carrot. But today, with the help and support of one of my gardening friends, I just went for it. I dug in there and started pulling out the little stalks and left as many big stalks as I could. I guess in a couple of weeks we'll see if I made the right decisions. What a lesson in life...how do you know if you are making the right decisions? We can read all of the books and watch great videos but really when it comes down to it we all need common sense and a loving friend to tell you to just go for it. If I had a New Year's resolution to consider it would be to not spend as much time overthinking things. I think I'd like a year of just going for it. Who knows what great things might happen?
BTW...just in case you were wondering about the watermelon...the first frost was not kind to our watermelon vine. Definitely not a fall plant.