Thursday, June 13, 2013

A moment of silence please...

Our squash plants didn't make it.  We harvested one, count it, one squash which I delivered proudly to the Forest Park Ministry Center this week.  There is some type of worm that lives to invade and kill squash and other gourd plants and those little assassins found our garden.  (Insert heavy sigh.)  Good bye squash, we appreciate the effort.

On a positive note, we have quite a few blooms on our cucumber and tomato plants.  Bell peppers and Banana peppers are growing well.  It is our first year to have Gypsy, Poblano and Cubanelle peppers and they all seem to be doing well also.  We'll call this the summer of the peppers.  =)

On a stinky note, we are always accepting raw vegetable and fruit peels, coffee grounds, egg shells and grass clippings for our compost.  If  you have anything to donate to the compost, please see me or Ms. Ginger Cofty.  Thank you Boppin' Bluebirds for your consistent donations to the Heritage CDC Learning Garden compost!